
Which of the following is not true about human problems?


They require patience for understanding


They can be solved without self awareness


They are very complex


They require insight for understanding

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Human is both intelligent and free. A human cannot solve their problems without self-awareness, if they do not aware of the nature of problems, they would unable to resolve it. So, to solve problems, the human should require:

Require patience for understanding.

  • Patience is required to understand the nature of the problem is very important to solve the problem. Humans take time to understand the problem with patiently, clearly and precisely, and apply a suitable method to figure out the problems and solve them.

Need self awareness.

  • Self-awareness is very much important to find the nature of the problem and to detect the ways to resolve it.

Complex in nature

  • Some problems are very complex in nature. Complex methods are used to understand and solve the problem.

Require insight into understanding

  • One is synthesizing the available information and facts to derive a new solution. This is also termed as developing insight. So they require insight into understanding the nature of the problem.