‘Creeping’ in energy meters is related to:
MI (Moving Iron) instruments
dynamometer type wattmeter
PMMC (Permanent Magnet Moving Coil) instruments
induction type energy meter
Text Solution
MI (Moving Iron) instruments
dynamometer type wattmeter
PMMC (Permanent Magnet Moving Coil) instruments
induction type energy meter
Creeping in the induction-type energy meter is the phenomenon in which the aluminum disc rotates continuously when only the voltage is supplied to the pressure coil and no current flows through the current coil. It is the kind of error in which the energy meter consumes a very small amount of energy even when no load is attached to the meter.
The creeping increases the speed of the disc even under the light load condition which increases the meter reading. Vibration, stray magnetic field and the extra voltage across the potential coil are also responsible for the creeping.
The creeping error occurs because of excessive friction. The main driving torque is absent at no load. Hence the disc rotates because of the additional torque provided by the compensating vane.