For stable structures, one of the important properties of flexibility and stiffness matrices is that the element on the main diagonal (i) of a stiffness matrix must be negative. (ii) of a stiffness matrix must be positive (iii) of a flexibility matrix must be positive (iv) of a flexibility matrix must be negative
(i) and (iii)
(i) and (iv)
(ii) and (iii)
(ii) and (iv)
Flexibility and stiffness matrix:
Flexibility matrix
Stiffness matrix
Forces are taken as unknowns (i.e., shear force and bending moment) and equations are expressed in terms of these forces.
Displacements are taken as unknowns (i.e., slope and deflections) and equations are expressed in terms of these unknown displacements.
Additional equations are called compatibility conditions are developed to find all the unknown forces.
The additional joint equilibrium equation is developed to find the unknown displacements.
The flexibility matrix is a square symmetric matrix because of Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem. Hence Element ij = Element ji
The stiffness matrix is a square symmetric matrix because of Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem. Hence Element ij = Element ji
In this matrix, diagonal elements are always positive (from Castigliano’s first theorem).
In this matrix, diagonal elements are always positive (from Castigliano’s first theorem).
If the structure is unstable, then a large deformation will occur and the flexibility matrix will not exist.
The stiffness matrix can be developed only when the structure is stable.
The flexibility matrix is the inverse of the stiffness matrix.
The stiffness matrix is the inverse of the flexibility matrix.
Flexibility matrix
Stiffness matrix
Forces are taken as unknowns (i.e., shear force and bending moment) and equations are expressed in terms of these forces.
Displacements are taken as unknowns (i.e., slope and deflections) and equations are expressed in terms of these unknown displacements.
Additional equations are called compatibility conditions are developed to find all the unknown forces.
The additional joint equilibrium equation is developed to find the unknown displacements.
The stiffness matrix is a square symmetric matrix because of Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem. Hence Element ij = Element ji
In this matrix, diagonal elements are always positive (from Castigliano’s first theorem).
In this matrix, diagonal elements are always positive (from Castigliano’s first theorem).
If the structure is unstable, then a large deformation will occur and the flexibility matrix will not exist.
The stiffness matrix can be developed only when the structure is stable.
The flexibility matrix is the inverse of the stiffness matrix.
The stiffness matrix is the inverse of the flexibility matrix.