- According to the Lindemann–Hinshelwood mechanism it is supposed that a reactant molecule A becomes energetically excited by collision with another A molecule.
A + A A* + A
and the rate of the reaction will be,
where Ka is the rate constant for the activation step in the mechanism
- The energized molecule (A*) might lose its excess energy by collision with another molecule:
A + A* A + A (where, is the rate constant for deactivation)
and the rate of the deactivation reaction will be,
- Alternatively, the excited molecule might shake itself apart and form product P. That is, it might undergo the unimolecular decay
A* P (where Kb is the rate constant of unimolecular decay)
and the rate of unimolecular decay will be
- If the unimolecular step is slow enough to be the rate-determining step, the overall reaction will have first-order kinetics, as observed. This conclusion can be demonstrated explicitly by applying the steady-state approximation to the net rate of formation of A*:
= ka[A]2 − k′a[A][A*] − kb[A*] ≈ 0
- From the above equation, we got
- Thus, the rate law for the formation of P is
(where, )
where Ka is the rate constant for the activation step in the mechanism
- Given, the effective rate constants for a gaseous unimolecular reaction: A → P following the Lindemann-Hinshelwood mechanism are 1.70 × 10-3s-1 and 2.20 x 10-4s-1 at [A] = 4.37 × 10-4 mol dm-3 and 1.00 × 10-5 mol dm-3, respectively.
- From equation (1) we got,
- From equation (2) and (3) we got,
or, Ka = 24.7 dm3mol-1s-1
Hence, the rate constant for the activation step in the mechanism is approximately equal to (in dm3mol-1s-1) 24.7