
In a version of 8051 the crystal frequency is 12 MHz, find the time delay associated with loop section of the following DELAY subroutine. Consider the machine cycle lasts 12 clock cycles of the crystal frequency DELAY: MOV R3, # 200 HERE: NOP NOP NOP DJNZ R3; HERE RET


0.5 milliseconds


1 millisecond


1.5 milliseconds


2 milliseconds

Text Solution
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The crystal frequency of 8051 is 12 MHz .

The period of the machine cycle for 8051 system is calculated as follows:

12MHz/12  =  1 µ s

Therefore the machine cycle for a system of 12MHz is 1 µ s .

Instruction Machine cycles Time to execute
DELAY: MOV R3; #200 1  1
HERE : NOP 1  1
NOP 1  1
NOP 1  1
DJNZ R3, HERE 2  2
RET 2  2


The time delay associated with the loop section of the DELAY subroutine is:  [ 200 ( 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 ) ] × 1 µ s

 =  200 ( 5 ) × 1 µ s

 =  1000 µ s

 =  1 m i l l i s e c o n d

Hence option 2 is correct.