
Which of the following is the expression for work done by a curved plate when the plate is moving in the direction of jet?


ρa(v - u)2 × u [1 + cos θ]


ρa(v - u)2 × u [cos θ]


ρa(v - u) × u [1 + cos θ]


ρa(v - u)2 × u [1 + cos 2θ]

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Force exerted by the jet of water on the curved plate in the direction of jet

Fx = Mass striking per second × [Initial velocity with which jet strikes the plate in the direction of jet - Final velocity]

Fx = ρa(V - u) [(V - u) - (- (V - u) cos θ)]

Fx = ρa(V - u) [(V - u) + (V - u) cos θ]

Fx = ρa(V - u)2 [1 + cos θ]

Work done by the jet per second on the plate will be given by following equation

W = Fx × Distance travelled per second in the direction of x

W = Fx × u = a(V - u)2 [1 + cos θ] × u

W = ρa(V - u)2 × u [1 + cos θ]

Updated on:21/07/2023