
The 'track modulus' is an index of measure of which of the following?


Resistance due to friction


Resistance due to rolling


Resistance due to deformation


Resistance due to shear

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Track Modulus:

  • Track foundation modulus, commonly referred to as track modulus, is defined as the supporting force per unit length of rail per unit deflection.
  • Track modulus is thus a measure of the vertical stiffness of the track foundation and is related to the vertical deflection of the rail under a specified or known vertical wheel load.
  • A related parameter, track stiffness, is a measure of the vertical stiffness of the whole track structure (effects of rail included).
  • Track modulus is closely related to track performance as it is a measure of the structural state of the track.
  • The effects of the fasteners, ties, ballast, sub-ballast, and subgrade are included in the track modulus.