
The Hall coefficient RH of a sample can be determined from the measured Hall voltage V H = 1 d R H B I + R I where d is the thickness of the sample, B is the applied magnetic field. I is the current passing through the sample and R is an unwanted offset resistance. A lock-in detection technique is used by keeping I constant with the applied magnetic field being modulated as B = B0sinΩt, where B0 is the amplitude of the magnetic field and Ω is frequency of the reference signal. The measured VH is


B 0 ( R H I d )


B 0 2 ( R H I d )


I 2 ( R H B 0 d + R )


I ( R H B 0 d + R )

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  • A lock-in amplifier primarily recognizes the component of the signal that is in phase with the reference signal (B = B₀sinΩt in this case) and measures its amplitude and phase, not just the amplitude.
  • When  s i n Ω t is at its peak amplitude, the Hall voltage  V H is also at its peak: V H m a x = I R H B d + R I  .
  • However, the DC offset term RI will get removed by the lock-in amplifier. What remains is the AC part of the signal, which follows the sinusoidal modulation.
  • The observed amplitude of this sinusoidal signal, having accounted for our removal of the DC offset, is the root-mean-square (RMS) value.
  • The RMS value of a sinusoidal function A sin(x) is A 2 .
  • Recognising that, and applying it to the signal we're talking about, we get:  V H = I R H B ( 2 d )