Which of the following array uses two half wave dipoles spaced along with one half wavelengths apart?
Uniform array
Non-uniform array
End fire array
Broad end array
Text Solution
Uniform array
Non-uniform array
End fire array
Broad end array
Key Points Based on the arrangement of the dipole antenna, arrays are divided into two types:
End-fire array uses two half-wave dipoles spaced along with one-half wavelength apart
Broadside array uses several half-wave dipoles arranged collinearly and spaced from one - another by one-half wavelength apart.
Comparison between Broadside and Endfire antenna array:
It is a bidirectional array.
It is a unidirectional array
Dipoles fed are in phase
Dipoles fed are 180° out of phase
Very narrow
beam width and high gain
Wide beam width and lower gain
Radiation is perpendicular to the plane of the array of elements
Radiation is in the plane of the array of elements