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उपर्युक्त में से एक से अधिक
Text Solution
जमीन पर लेट जाने की स्थिति
बैठने की स्थिति
खड़े होने की स्थिति
उपर्युक्त में से एक से अधिक
A vendor bought bananas at 6 for ₹ 10 and sold them at 4 for ₹ 6. Find...
Manan invested ₹ 76,000 in a business. After few months, Vivek joined ...
A man sells an article at a profit of 25%. If he had bought it at 20% ...
Abhishek, Bimal and Chinmay enter into partnership. Abhishek invests 3...
P, Q and R started a business each investing Rs. 20,000. After 5 month...
By selling 33 metres of cloth, one gains the selling price of 11 metre...
Three partners P, Q and R start a business. Twice P's capital is equal...
An article is sold at a certain price. By selling it at \(\frac{2}{3}\...
The profit earned when an article is sold for Rs. 800 is 20 times the ...
A man buys 8 pens for a rupee. How many pens should he sell for a rupe...