A 0-1 knapsack problem has four items and knapsack capacity 11. The weight and profit of each item is given in below table. Pi (Rs.) 50 30 32 27 W = 11 Wi (Kg) 5 6 4 3 Which of the following greedy strategy gives the maximum profit?
Lightest item first
Largest profit first
Largest profit per unit weight first
Heaviest item first
W0 = 5, P0 = 50
W1 = 6, P1 = 30
W2 = 4, P2 = 32
W3 = 3, P3 = 27
In Knapsack 0-1 problem we can either choose a weight entirely or not choose it at all. We can only choose those weights whose sum <= Capacity of the knapsack.
Statement a) Lightest item first
It will choose weights W3,W2 which sum upto 7 in weights and total of 59 in profit.
Statement b) Largest profit first
It will choose weights W0,W2 which sum upto 9 in weights and total of 82 in profit.
Statement c) Largest profit per unit weight first
Let R0,R1,R2,R3 be profit per unit weight
R0 = 50/5 = 10
R1 = 30/6 = 5
R2 = 32/4 = 8
R3 = 27/3 = 9
It will choose weights W0,W3 which sum upto 8 in weights and total of 77 in profit.
Statement d) Heaviest item first
It will choose weights W0,W1 which sum upto 11 in weights and total of 80 in profit.
So the answer is b) Largest profit first
W0 = 5, P0 = 50
W1 = 6, P1 = 30
W2 = 4, P2 = 32
W3 = 3, P3 = 27
It will choose weights W3,W2 which sum upto 7 in weights and total of 59 in profit.
It will choose weights W0,W2 which sum upto 9 in weights and total of 82 in profit.
Let R0,R1,R2,R3 be profit per unit weight
R0 = 50/5 = 10
R1 = 30/6 = 5
R2 = 32/4 = 8
R3 = 27/3 = 9
It will choose weights W0,W3 which sum upto 8 in weights and total of 77 in profit.
It will choose weights W0,W1 which sum upto 11 in weights and total of 80 in profit.