
Modules X and Y operate on the same input and output, then the cohesion is


Logical cohesion


Sequential cohesion


Procedural cohesion


Communicational cohesion

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Cohesion quantifies the degree to which the module's elements are functionally related. It is the extent to which an element contains all elements necessary for performing a single task. Cohesion is essentially the internal adhesive that holds the module together. The cohesion of a quality software design will be high.


Logical Cohesion: The relationship between the elements is logical, not functional. Ex- An element receives inputs from tape, disc, and the network. Each function's code resides in the same component. The operations and functions are related, but significantly distinct.

Sequential Cohesion: An element's output becomes the input for another element, i.e. data flow between the parts. It is a characteristic of functional programming languages.

Procedural Cohesion: Elements of procedural cohesion guarantee the proper order of execution. Actions continue to be loosely coupled and unlikely to be re-usable. Ex- calculate student GPA, print student record, calculate cumulative GPA, print cumulative GPA.

Communicational Cohesion: Two elements interact with the same input data or contribute to the same output. For example, update the database record and send it to the printer.

Hence the correct answer is option 4.