A 0 to 200 V voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 0.5 percent of full scale deflection. The voltage measured by the instrument is 50 V. Find the limiting error.
0.25 percent
0.5 percent
1 percent
2 percent
Text Solution
Limiting error: The maximum allowable error in the measurement is specified in terms of true value, which is known as limiting error. It will give a range of errors. It is always with respect to the true value, so it is a variable error.
Guaranteed accuracy error: The allowable error in measurement is specified in terms of full-scale value is known as guaranteed accuracy error. It is a variable error seen by the instrument since it is with respect to full-scale value.
Full scale voltage = 200 V
Accuracy = 0.5%
Voltage to be measured = 50 V
The limiting error is given as:-
Limiting error: The maximum allowable error in the measurement is specified in terms of true value, which is known as limiting error. It will give a range of errors. It is always with respect to the true value, so it is a variable error.