A compression member may be considered as short when both the slenderness ratios are _________.
Greater than 12
Less than or equal to 12
Greater than or equal to 12
Less than 12
Text Solution
Greater than 12
Less than or equal to 12
Greater than or equal to 12
Less than 12
Explanation: As per IS 456:2000, clause 25.1.1 A column or strut is a compression member in which the effective length of the column or strut exceeds three times the least lateral dimension.
i.e. Leff > (3x Least Lateral Dimension)
A compression member may be considered as short when both the slenderness ratio Lex/D and Ley/b are less than 12.
where Lex = effective length with respect to the major axis D = depth with respect to the major axis Ley = effective length with respect to the minor axis b = width of the member