Which of the following is the correct relation of elastic constants? [A = Modulus of Elasticity, B= Modulus of Rigidity, C = Bulk Modulus.]
A(C + 3 B) = 9 BC
A(C + 2 B) = 9 BC
A(B + 2 C) = 4 BC
A(B + 3 C) = 9 BC
Text Solution
A(C + 3 B) = 9 BC
A(C + 2 B) = 9 BC
A(B + 2 C) = 4 BC
A(B + 3 C) = 9 BC
The relation between Young’s modulus (A), rigidity modulus (B), Bulk Modulus(C )and poison’s ratio (μ) is given by
A = 2B (1 + μ) (I)
E = 3C(1 – 2μ) (II)
From equation (I):
putting this value in equation(II):
∴ A(B + 3 C) = 9 BC
Important Points
Young's modulus:
where E is Young’s modulus in Pa, 𝞂 is the uniaxial stress in Pa,ε is the Normal strain or proportional deformation.
Modulus of rigidity:
Bulk modulus:
Poisson's ratio: