Metals and gases respond rapidly to temperature changes as compared to non-metals and liquids due to
High thermal conductivity
Low thermal diffusivity
High thermal diffusivity
High heat capacity
High thermal conductivity
Low thermal diffusivity
High thermal diffusivity
High heat capacity
Thermal Diffusivity:
Thermal conductivity:
The thermal conductivity of any physical material is a measure of its potential to conduct heat.
It is not the measure of the quick or slow response of the heat through the matter.
Additional Information
In materials of low thermal conductivity, heat transfer occurs at a lower rate than in materials of high thermal conductivity.
For example, metals typically have high thermal conductivity and are very efficient at conducting heat, while the other is true for insulating materials like Styrofoam.
In the case of metals, there are a high amount of free electrons, and hence heat conduction primarily leads to electronic conduction.
In metals, the free electrons can move freely throughout the solid and thus transfers the thermal energy at a very high rate as compared to insulators. Also among the metals, the simplest electrical conductors exhibit the best thermal conductivity
The thermal conductivity of gases and liquids is generally smaller than that of solids.
Ks > Kl > Kg