The correct answer is option 3.
Errors in the energy meter
1.) Temperature Error: The resistance of the disc of the potential coil characteristics of the magnetic circuit and the strength of the break magnet are affected by the changes in temperature. Therefore, great care is exercised in the design of the meter to eliminate errors due to temperature variations.
Adjustment: The temperature effects can be compensated by using a temperature shunt on the brake magnet.Special magnetic materials, such as “Mutemp” are available, which have a decrease in permeability with an increase in temperature.
2.) Phase Error: The energy meter must give the correct reading on all power factors, which is only possible when the field set up by a shunt magnet lags behind the applied voltage by 90°. However, the flux due to the shunt magnet does not lag behind the applied voltage exactly by 90° because of winding resistance and iron losses.
Adjustment: The flux in the shunt magnet can be made to lag behind the supply voltage by exactly 90° by adjusting the position of the shading band placed around the lower part of the control limb of the shunt magnet. This adjustment is known as lag adjustment or power factor adjustment (or power factor compensator).
3.) Speed Error: Sometimes the speed of the meter is either fast or slow, resulting in the wrong recording of energy consumption.
Adjustment: An error in the speed of the meter when tested on a non-inductive load can be eliminated by correctly adjusting the position of the brake magnet.
4.) Friction Error: Frictional forces at the rotor bearings and in the counting (or register) mechanism cause noticeable errors, especially at light loads. At light loads, the torque due to friction adds considerably to the braking torque on the disc rotor. Since friction torque is not proportional to the speed but is roughly constant it can cause considerable error in meter reading.
Adjustment: This error can be reduced to an unimportant level by making the ratio of the shunt magnet flux Φ2 and series magnet flux ϕ1 large with the help of two shading rings. These bonds embrace the flux contained in the two outer limbs of the shunt magnet and thus eddy currents are induced in them which cause a phase displacement between the enclosed flux and the main gap flux. As a result, a small driving torque is exerted on the disc rotor, this torque being adjusted by variation of the positions of these bands to compensate for friction in the instrument.
5.) Creeping: Sometimes the disc of the energy meter makes slow but continuous rotation at no load i.e. when the potential coil is excited but with no current flowing in the load. This is called creeping. This error may be caused due to overcompensation for friction, excessive supply voltage, vibrations, stray magnetic fields, etc.
Adjustment: To prevent this creeping on no load, two holes or slots are drilled in the disc on opposite sides of the spindle. This causes sufficient distortion of the field. The result is that the disc tends to remain stationary when one of the holes comes under one of the shunt magnets.