
Statement I): Involute pinions can have any number of teeth. Statement II): Involute profiles in mesh satisfy the constant velocity ratio condition.


Both Statement I) and Statement II) are individually true and Statement II) is the correct explanation of Statement I)


Both Statement I) and Statement II) are individually true but Statement II) is not the correct explanation of Statement I)


Statement I) is true but Statement II) is false


Statement I) is false but Statement II) is true

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"Involute pinions can have any number of teeth" is an incorrect statement


Involute pinions have a limitation on the minimum number of the tooth, it is the minimum number of tooth required to avoid interference, it is given as

N m i n = 2 A p [ 1 + G ( G + 2 ) sin 2 ϕ 1 ]

Where, Ap = Addendum of pinion, G = Gear Ratio, ϕ = Pressure Angle

Hence, there is always a lower limit on the number of teeth on Involute pinion to avoid interference.

"Involute profiles in mesh satisfy the constant velocity ratio condition" is a correct statement


Involute profiles in mesh always satisfy the law of gearing while changing pressure angle or center distance with the specified range. In involute profile, if the center distance changes the pitch circle diameter changes, pressure angle changes but the velocity ratio remain constant as the velocity ratio is also equal to the ratio of base circle radius of gear and pinion, and the radius of the base circle does not get changed with the changed operating conditions, therefore, the involute profiles in the mesh will always satisfy the constant velocity ratio condition.