ores are converted into oxides by heating strongly in the of air. This process is known as . A, B, C respectively are
Carbonate, absence, roasting
Carbonate, absence, calcination
Sulphide, absence, roasting
Sulphide, presence, calcination
Carbonate, absence, roasting
Carbonate, absence, calcination
Sulphide, absence, roasting
Sulphide, presence, calcination
Metallurgy -
The process which involved the extraction of pure metal from naturally occurring ores is called metallurgy.
To extract the metal in its pure form a number of steps are done. These include -
There are some common terms used in metallurgy like minerals, ores, gangue\matrix, etc.
Concentrated ores can be converted into their oxides by the process of calcination or roasting.
→ Calcination is the process of conversion of carbonate ores into metal oxide by strongly heating in the limited supply or absence of air.
→ Roasting is the process of conversion of sulfide ores into metal oxide by heating strongly in presence of air.
Conclusion: Carbonated ores are converted into oxides by heating strongly in the absence of air. This process is known as Calcination.
Therefore, A, B, and C are carbonated, absent and calcination respectively.
Hence, the correct answer is option 2.