
Select the most appropriate option regarding the unit load method used in structural analysis. A: It is derived from Castigliano's theorem. B: It is applicable only to statically indeterminate structures.


Only A is true


Both A and B are true


Both A and B are false


Only B is true

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Unit Load Method (ULM) or Virtual Work Method for Beams, Frames, and Trusses:

  • The method of virtual work, which was introduced by John Bernoulli in 1717, provides a powerful analytical tool for many problems of structural mechanics.
  • The method of virtual work, sometimes referred to as the unit-load method, is one of the several techniques available that can be used to solve for displacements and rotations at any point on a structure.
  • This method can be used to calculate deflections in statically determinate and indeterminate structures.
  • The method of virtual work can also be applied to deflection problems involving beams and frames. However, the analysis will only consider the bending effect since strains due to bending are the primary cause of beam or frame deflections.
  • The unit load method used in structural analysis is derived from Castigliano's theorem.
  • The formula for the method of virtual work for beam and frame deflections is as follows.

Δ = m M E I d x


m = Internal virtual moment in the beam or frame as a function of x and caused by the external virtual unit load.

M = Internal moment in the beam or frame as a function of x and caused by the external real load.

E = Modulus of elasticity of a material

I = Moment of inertia of cross-sectional area.

Castigliano's second theorem:

Δ = U P


U = M 2 2 E I d x

Δ = 2 M ( M P ) 2 E I d x

Δ = M ( M P ) E I d x

The partial derivative  M P  represents the value of bending moment m caused by the unit load.

Δ = M m E I d x

Thus statement A is true and B is wrong. Hence option (1) is correct.