
Which of the following is NOT a limitation of plate load test?


It is not truly applicable for clayey soils as it does not give ultimate settlement.


It is not practicable to provide a reaction of more than 250 KN.


The test can be performed for any level of water table below the footing.


The plate load test does not truly represent the actual conditions if the soil is not homogenous and isotropic to a large depth.

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Plate Load Test:

  • It is a field test, which is performed to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil and settlement under a given load.
  • This test is done for the selection and design of the shallow foundation.
  • For performing this test, the plate is placed at the desired depth, then the load is applied gradually and the settlement for each increment of the load is recorded.

The limitations of the plate load test are:

  1. It has a limited depth of influence. It could only give the bearing capacity of soils with depths up to two times the diameter of the bearing plate.
  2. It may not provide information on the potential for long-term consolidation of foundation soils.
  3.  There is a scale effect as the size of the test plate is smaller than the actual foundation. For example, the bearing capacity of sands and gravels increases with the size of the footing.
  4. To gain access to the test position, excavation is carried out which causes significant ground disturbance. The change in ground stress leads to the change of soil properties which the test is planned to investigate.
  5. In the case of cohesive soils, this test does not give the ultimate settlement.