
Which one of the following statements about phytohormone ABA is correct?


High level of ABA predominantly promotes vivipary.


ABA-β-D-glucosyl ester is an active form of ABA.


Inactivation of ABA involves its oxidation to phaseic acid.


ABA biosynthesis occurs entirely in the plastids.

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The correct answer is Option 3 i.e.Inactivation of ABA involves its oxidation to phaseic acid


  • ABA is stress hormone, it was first identified and characterirised while studying absicssion of cotton fruits by Frederick T. Addicott and co-workers. 
  • Originally it was called abscisin II, because it was know to play an major role in abscission of fruits, another group also called it dormin because it was known to play an important role in bud dormancy. 
  • ABA is a single compound inconstrast to other phytohormones like auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins. 
  • It is a 15-C Sesquiterpene compounds and it is composed on three isoprene residues. 
  • It contains a cyclohexane ring consisting of keto and one hydroxy. group and a side chain that have a terminal carboxylic group.
  • The position of carboxylic group at carbon 2 of the ABA determine whether it is 'cis' or ' trans' isomers of the ABA. 
  • In nature, nearly all ABA occurs in cis configuration and it is also biological active form of ABA; While trans ABA is biologically inactive form.
  • ABA also resembles to that of terminal portions of carotenoids. 
  • ABA is synthesised in all plants cells that have chloroplast or amyloplast. 


Option 1: 

  • Embryo that is deficient in ABA hormone experiences precocious germination and viviparacy.
  • Hence, this is an incorrect option.

Option2 :

  • "Cis' form of ABA is biologically active form of ABA while trans ABA is biological inactive form of ABA. 
  • Hence, this is an incorrect option. 

Option 3: 

  • Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases is an important enzyme that catalyses inactivation of ABA.
  • It catalyses oxidation of ABA to 8'-hydroxy ABA.
  • The 8'-hydroxy ABA undergoes spontaneously isomerization and get converted to phaseic acid (PA) and then to dihydrophaseic acid (DPA).
  • Hence, this is the correct option.

Option 4: 

  • only early biosynthesis reaction of the ABA occurs in plastids. The last two reactions in the synthesis of ABA occurs in cytoplasm. 
  • Hence, this is an incorrect option. 

Hence, the correct answer is Option 3.