The mechanical system shown in the figure below has its pole(s) at:
0, -K/D
Text Solution
0, -K/D
Damping force:
F: Damper force
f: Damper constant
x1, x2: Displacement at side 1 and side 2 of the damper
v1, v2: Velocity at side 1 and side 2
Spring force
k: Spring constant
Method 1:
Given damper constant is D and the Spring constant is k
Assuming that velocities at side 1 and 2
K ∫(y - x) dt + D (y – 0) = 0
Dy +k ∫ y dt – k ∫ x dt = 0
Applying the Laplace Transform
Pole is present at s = - k / D
Method 2:
Given damper constant is D and the Spring constant is k
Assuming displacement at side 1 and 2
Applying the Laplace Transform
k Y(s) – k X(s) + D sY(s) = 0
Y(s) (k + Ds) – k X(s) = 0
Pole is present at s = - k / D