Consider the following grammar and the semantic actions to support the inherited type declaration attributes. Let X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6 be the placeholders for the non-terminals D, T, L or L1 in the following table: Production rule Semantic action D → T L X1.type = X2.type T → int T.type = int T → float T.type = float L → L1, id X3.type = X4.type addType(id.entry, X5.type) L → id addType(id.entry, X6.type) Which one of the following are the appropriate choices for X1, X2, X3 and X4?
X1 = L, X2 = T, X3 = L1, X4 = L
X1 = T, X2 = L, X3 = L1, X4 = T
X1 = L, X2 = L, X3 = L1, X4 = T
X1 = T, X2 = L, X3 = T, X4 = L1