A horizontal pipe of ‘D1’ diameter is joined by sudden enlargement to a ‘D2’ diameter pipe. If D2 is two times more than D1, then the head loss due to sudden expansion is ________.
Text Solution
Loss Due To Sudden Expansion: It is a type of minor loss at the end of a pipe or when smaller diameter pips meet large diameter pipe due to sudden enlargement in the area of flow. It is larger than loss due to sudden contraction because Eddies are formed at the entrance of a large diameter pipe.
Loss Due To Sudden Contraction: It is a type of minor loss when a large diameter pipe meets a small diameter pipe or a small diameter pipe attached to a water reservoir due to a sudden decrease in the area of flow. Separation of flow occurs at the entrance of a small diameter pipe.
D2 = 2‘D1
Given, D1 = 8 cm, D2 = 16 cm
Using continuity equation:
Therefore, head loss,