
The colour in water is usually due to


Presence of suspended impurities


Presence of dissolved impurities


Presence of organic matters in colloidal condition


None of the above

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Colour caused by suspended and dissolved matter in water referred as apparent colour or fake colour.

After suspended matter causing colour is removed by filtration, centrifugation etc., the colour obtained is called true colour which is caused by dissolved matter only.

Measurement of colour is done in units of TCU (True colour unit) or Hazen unit where, 1 TCU is equal to colour produced by 1 mg per litre of platinum in the form of chloroplatinate ions.

Instruments used to measure colour: Nessler’s tube or Tintometer.

Important points:

Acceptable limit is 5 TCU

Cause for rejection is 25 TCU.

Phenolic compounds with chlorine produces taste and odour.