
The working principle of Pirani gauge is:


change in thermal conductivity


change in ionisation potential


deformation of elastic body


change in self - inductance

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Pirani gauge:

  • It is based on a hot metal wire suspended in a tube that is exposed to gas pressure media.
  • The Pirani gauge measures the vaccum pressure dependent thermal conductivity from the heated wire to the surrounding gas.
  • The heated Pirani sensor filament is typically made of a thin (< 20 μm) Tungsten, Nickel or Platinum wire
  • As gas molecules collide with the Filament wire, heat is transported from the hot wire.
  • The heat loss is a function of the gas pressure and at low pressure the low gas density and long mean free path between gas molecules provides low thermal conductivity.
  • At high pressure the high gas density and short mean free path between molecules will result in high thermal conductivity.