
The average age of a couple was 29 years. After their 1st and 2nd children (twins) were born, the average age of the family became 16 years. The average age of the family just after 3rd child was born was 15.2 years. The average age of the family after the 4th child was born was 17 2 3 years. The current average age of the family is 20 2 3 years. What is the current age of the twin children?









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Sum of the ages of the couple = 29 × 2 = 58

After the 1st and 2nd children,

Sum = 16 × 4 = 64

Difference in sum = 64 – 58 = 6 years

6/2 = 3 years, the twin was born to the couple (Ages of children at the time of birth is 0)

After 3rd child, sum = 15.2 × 5 = 76 years

Difference = 76 – 64 = 12

12/4 = 3 years, 3rd child was born (Couple + 2 children were already present. So, 4)

After 4th child, sum = 17 2 3  × 6 = 106 years

Difference = 106 – 76 = 30

Or after 30/5 = 6 years, 4th child was born

Current sum = 20 2 3  × 6 = 124 years

Difference 124 – 106 = 18 years

after 18/6 = 3 years

The gap between the children are as follows: 3 years, 6 years, and 3 years

Age of eldest ones = 3 + 6 + 3 = 12

∴ The current age of the twin children = 12 years