
Air voids line is


A line shows water content saturated density relation for the compacted soil having constant percentage air voids


A line shows water content bulk density relation for the compacted soil having constant percentage air voids


A line shows water content dry density relation for the compacted soil having constant percentage air voids


A line shows water content specific gravity relation for the compacted soil having constant percentage air voids

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Zero air void line

A curve representing the relationship between dry unit weight and water content of the compacted soil at zero % of air voids is called a zero air void line.

Equation of zero air void line,

γ d max = G γ w 1 + w G


γdmax = Maximum dry unit weight of soil

G = Specific gravity

w = water content

γw = unit weight of water

From the equation, it is clear that the unit weight of soil at zero voids depends on Specific gravity, water content, and unit weight of water.