
All day efficiency is calculated for ___________ .


Current transformer


Potential transformer


Power transformer


Distribution transformer

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The correct answer is option 4):( Distribution transformer)


  • The all-day efficiency of a transformer is related to the distribution transformer. 
  • It is computed on the basis of energy consumed during a period of 24 hours.
  • The load varies throughout the day.
  • Distribution Transformers are those transformers that change the voltage level to another voltage level suitable for utilization purposes at the consumer’s premises. A distribution transformer must have it's secondary directly connected to the consumer’s terminals.
  • The iron loss takes place in the core of the transformer. Thus, the iron or core loss occurs for the whole day in the distribution transformer. The second type of loss known as a copper loss takes place in the windings of the transformer also known as a variable loss
  • It occurs only when the transformers are in the loaded condition. Hence, the performance of such transformers cannot be judged by commercial or ordinary efficiency, but the efficiency is calculated or judged by A
  • All Day Efficiency knew as operational efficiency or energy efficiency. It can be defined as the ratio of output to input in kWh for 24 hours.

η a l l d a y = E n e r g y O u t p u t o v e r 24 h o u r s E n e r g y O u t p u t o v e r 24 h o u r s + E n e r g y l o s s e s o v e r 24 h o u r s