Which of the following shortcut key is used to copy the selected data in MS-Word 365?
Ctrl + X
Alt + C
Ctrl + C
Alt + X
Text Solution
Ctrl + X
Alt + C
Ctrl + C
Alt + X
The correct answer is Ctrl + C.
Key Points
Additional Information
This shortcut key is used to cut the selected text or item.
The cut item can then be pasted elsewhere using Ctrl + V.
Unlike copy, the cut operation removes the original data from its initial location.
This is not a standard shortcut in MS Word 365 or most other applications.
It could potentially be set as a custom shortcut, but by default, it does not perform any function.
This is also not a standard shortcut in MS Word 365.
As with Alt + C, it could potentially be assigned a function in a custom setup, but by default, it does not perform any function.