
Convert a whole circle bearing of 125° into quadrantal bearing.


S 55° E


N 55° E


S 55° W


N 55° W

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Whole circle Bearing system:

  • In this system, the bearing of the line is measured from the north in the clockwise direction.
  • Thus whole circle bearing system (WCB) of a line is the horizontal angle that the line makes with the north end of the reference meridian.
  • The WCB of a line can vary from 0° to 360°.

Quadrantal Bearing system:

  • The quadrantal bearing (QB) of a line is the acuate angle that the line makes with the meridian.
  • Quadrantal bearing is measured either from the north end or south end as the case may be i.e. whichever is nearer to the line. The quadrantal bearing of a line can vary from 0° to 90°

Conversion table for WCB and QB:

Quadrant WCB QB
I θ = 0° to 90° NθE
II θ = 90° to 180° S(180° - θ)E
III θ = 180° to 270° S(θ - 180°)W
IV θ = 270° to 360° N(360° - θ)W


Given data,

WCB = 125o

QB = S(180° - θ)E = S(180° - 125o)E = S 55° E