
For which of the following utility will the demand factor be 0.5?


Motor Load (< 10 HP)


Residential load (< 0.25 kW)


Commercial load (for Restaurants)


Residential load (over 1 kW)

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Demand factor

The demand factor is the ratio of the sum of the maximum demand of a system to the total connected load on the system.

D e m a n d   f a c t o r = S u m   o f   m a x i m u m   d e m a n d T o t a l   c o n n e c t e d   l o a d

The demand factor is always less than 1.

Demand factor for various loads:

1.) Residential load (over 1 kW) = 0.5

2.) Residential load (< 0.25 kW) = Less than 0.5

3.) Motor Load (< 10 HP) = 0.75

4.) Commercial load (for Restaurants) = 0.7

Additional Information Load factor

The load factor is defined as the ratio of the average load to the maximum demand.

L o a d   f a c t o r = A v e r a g e   l o a d M a x i m u m   d e m a n d

The load factor is always less than 1.

Diversity factor

It is the ratio of the sum of the individual maximum demands of the various subdivisions of a system to the maximum demand of the whole system.

The diversity factor is always greater than 1.