Three resistance each of R ohm are connected in delta, its equivalent star will comprise three resistance each of value
3R ohm
2R ohm
3R ohm
2R ohm
For interconversions of delta and star, when all resistances are the same we can directly conclude two points
1. From Delta to Star resistance will be divided by 3
2. From Star to Delta resistance is multiplied by 3
Shortcuts for conversion:
Delta connection is shown below
Star connection of resistors is shown as
To convert Star from Delta
Branch resistance = product of connected resistance/sum of all resistances
For branch resistance PS, Ra and Rb are connected
For branch resistance QS, Ra and Rc are connected
For branch resistance, SR, Rb and Rc are connected
To convert Delta from Star
Branch resistance = ∑ connected resistances +
For branch resistance PQ, RA and RB are connected
For branch resistance PR, RB and RC are connected
For branch resistance QR, RA and RC are connected