
Which of the following is / are non-structural measures used to mitigate floods? A. Maintaining wetlands. B. Prevention of over-bank spilling by the construction of embankments and flood walls. C. Flood forecasting and warning services. D. Disaster relief, flood fighting and public health measures. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A and B Only


A and C Only


B, C and D Only


A, C and D Only

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The non-structural measures used to mitigate floods are: A. Maintaining wetlands. C. Flood forecasting and warning services. D. Disaster relief, flood fighting and public health measures Key Points Flood mitigation refers to the steps taken to reduce or prevent the impact of floods. It includes a combination of structural and non-structural measures.

Some examples of non-structural measures include:

Flood forecasting and warning services:

Disaster relief, flood fighting, and public health measures:

Structural measures, on the other hand, involve physical construction to reduce the impact of floods.