
The most economical alignment of an irrigation canal is along the ________.


Ridge line


Contour line


Valley line


Straight line

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Based on alignments canals can be classified in following three categories –

  1. Ridge or watershed canals
  2. Contour canals
  3. Side slope canals

Ridge/watershed canals:

A canal that is aligned along natural watershed is known as ridge or watershed canal. These canals are usually taken off from contour canals.

These canals are suitable for plain areas where slopes are relatively flat.

These canals ensure gravity irrigation on both sides of the ridge line. Thats why, the most desirable alignment of an irrigation canal is along ridge line.

The water-shed line should be abandoned for aligning an irrigation canal if –

  1. Water-shed forms a sharp loop
  2. Canal has taken off from the river
  3. Towns and villages are located on the water-shed line i.e. densely populated.


Note: As per IS 5968 -1987; Main canals should be aligned as contour canals while branch and distributaries should be aligned as watershed canals.