
Statement (I) Automotive Petrol engines require Petrol of Octane number between 85-95. Statement (II): Automotive Diesel engines require Diesel oil of cetane number between 85-95.


Both Statement I) and Statement II) are individually true and Statement II) is the correct explanation of Statement I)


Both Statement I) and Statement II) are individually true but Statement II) is not the correct explanation of Statement I)


Statement I) is true but Statement II) is false


Statement I) is false but Statement II) is true

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In petrol engine octane no. used nowadays in range of 85-95.Therefore, statement I) is correct. While diesel having minimum cetane no. 40 is used as regular fuel and in premium fuel and in biodiesel it is nearly 55. So, statement II) is incorrect.


Octane Number (ON) is the measure of the resistance of gasoline to detonation or preignition of the fuel in the SI engine. It is measured relative to the mixture of iso-octane (2, 2, 4 trimethyl pentane) (ON = 100) and n-heptane with (ON = 0). Higher octane fuel has a greater resistance to autoignition under higher combustion pressure and heat.

Cetane Number (CN) is the measure of combustion quality of diesel oil or it is the measure of the ignition delay. The cetane number is calculated by determining rich mixture of cetane (hexadecane)(CN = 100) and iso-cetane (2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 8, 8-heptamethylnonane)(CN = 0).

Higher the cetane number of diesel the shorter the ignition delay and the greater the fuel quality.