
When a fluid comes into contact with a surface, the force exerted by the fluid on the surface is referred to as ______.


total pressure


normal pressure


weight of the liquid


total force

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Whenever a static mass of fluid comes into contact with a surface, the fluid exerts a force upon that surface. The magnitude of these forces exerted on the surface is known as hydrostatic resultant force or pressure force or total pressure.

Let us consider a vertical plane surface submerged in liquid,

Let A = Total area of the surface, h̅ = Distance of centre of gravity from the free surface of the liquid, G = Centre of gravity of plane surface, P = Centre of Pressure, h* = Distance of centre 0of pressure from the free surface of liquid

Total Force F: It is determined by dividing the entire surface into small strips, force on small strip is determined and then it is integrated get the force on the entire surface.

Let us consider a small strip of thickness dh and width b at a depth of h,

Pressure intensity on the strip p = ρgh

Area of the strip = b × dh

∴ Total pressure force on the strip, dF = p × Area = ρgh × b × dh

∴ Total pressure force on the whole surface

F = d F = ρ g h × b × d h = ρ g b × h × d h

b × h × d h = h × d A = Moment of the free surface of the area about the free surface of the liquid

which is equal to Area of the surface × Distance of the Centre of Gravity from the free surface of the liquid = A × h̅

∴ F = ρgh̅ × A = Pressure at the centroid × Area of the surface

So, Total pressure = Pc A

Where Pc is the pressure at the centroid.