
According to Henri Fayol, which of the following are the Principles of Management? A. Discipline B. Decentralization C. Unity of Command D. Equity E. Instability of Tenure Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A, C, D only


A, B, C, E only


A, B, D only


B, C, E only

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The correct answer is A, C, D only.

Key Points The correct answer is:

A. Discipline C. Unity of Command D. Equity

effective organizational management. Let's discuss the prinHenri Fayol, a prominent management theorist, proposed several principles of management that he believed were essential forciples:

A. Discipline: Fayol emphasized the importance of discipline in organizations. Discipline ensures that employees comply with established rules and procedures, follow instructions, and maintain proper behavior and work ethic.

C. Unity of Command: According to Fayol, unity of command is crucial for maintaining order and efficiency within an organization. This principle states that each employee should have a clear reporting relationship and receive instructions from only one supervisor to avoid conflicting commands or confusion.

D. Equity: Fayol advocated for fairness and equity in the treatment of employees. He believed that employees should be treated justly and without favoritism. Fairness in areas such as rewards, promotions, and disciplinary actions can contribute to a positive work environment and employee satisfaction.

The principles of management listed above (A, C, and D) are attributed to Henri Fayol.

The options B. Decentralization and E. Instability of Tenure are not specifically associated with Fayol's principles. Decentralization refers to the distribution of decision-making authority throughout an organization, which is not one of Fayol's key principles. Instability of Tenure refers to high employee turnover, which Fayol did not address directly in his principles.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Discipline, C. Unity of Command, and D. Equity.