
The given figure shows the T-s diagram of a diesel cycle. Which of the following is correct for this cycle?


Both the processes 2 - 3 and 4 - 1 are reversible constant volume processes.


Process 2 - 3 is a reversible constant pressure process.


Both the processes 2 - 3 and 4 - 1 are reversible constant pressure processed.


Process 4 - 1 is a reversible constant pressure process.

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Diesel cycle

The P-V and T-S diagram for diesel cycle is as shown below:

This cycle comprises the following operations :


Let P1, V1 and T1 be the corresponding pressure, volume and absolute temperature till the values become P2, V2 and T2 respectively (at the end of the stroke). Heat is then added from a hot body at a constant pressure. During this addition of heat let volume increases from V2 to V3 and temperature T2 to T3, corresponding to point 3. This point 3 is called the point of cut-off. The air then expands adiabatically to the conditions p4, V4 and T4 respectively corresponding to point 4. Finally, the air rejects the heat to the cold body at constant volume till point 1 where it returns to its original state.

The efficiency of the diesel cycle is given by,

η = 1 1 γ ( r ) γ 1 ρ γ 1 ρ 1

Here ρ is the cut off ratio, it is the ratio of the cut-off volume to the clearance volume.

ρ = V 3 V 2

Otto Cycle ⇒ Constant volume heat addition.

⇒ Constant volume heat rejection.

Carnot Cycle ⇒ Constant temperature heat addition.

⇒ Constant temperature heat rejection.

Dual Cycle ⇒ Constant volume and constant pressure heat addition.

⇒ Constant volume heat rejection.

Otto cycle:

Dual Cycle:

Carnot Cycle: