How many types of rain gauges?
Text Solution
Rain gauge:
A rain gauge is an instrument used to measure rainfall by collecting all the precipitation which comes down on an area.
The rain gauges can be broadly classified into two parts:
1. Recording Rain gauge
2. Non-Recording Rain gauge
a) Natural - siphon type
- Gives a mass curve of rainfall.
- Standard rain gauge adopted in India.
b) Tipping Bucket type
- Installed in hilly or inaccessible areas.
- Gives data on the intensity of rainfall.
c) Weighing Bucket type
- Gives mass curve of rainfall
a) Symon's type
- Most widely adopted in India as a nonrecording type.
- Do not record the rain but only collect the rain.
- Gives the depth of rainfall in cm.
The rain gauges can be broadly classified into two parts:
1. Recording Rain gauge
2. Non-Recording Rain gauge
a) Natural - siphon type
- Gives a mass curve of rainfall.
- Standard rain gauge adopted in India.
b) Tipping Bucket type
- Installed in hilly or inaccessible areas.
- Gives data on the intensity of rainfall.
c) Weighing Bucket type
- Gives mass curve of rainfall
a) Symon's type
- Most widely adopted in India as a nonrecording type.
- Do not record the rain but only collect the rain.
- Gives the depth of rainfall in cm.