Find the number of positive integers which can be formed by any number of digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 but using each digit not more than once in each number. How many of these integers are greater than 3000?
Zero cannot be a starting digit for any number. Therefore, while forming a 6-digit number, we can fill up the first place in 5 ways. The restriction on zero ends with the starting place. Having filled it, there are 5 figures left, and therefore, the remaining places can be filled in 5P5 ways.
Therefore, the number of 6-digit numbers = 5 x 5P5 = 600 Similarly,
Number of 5-digit numbers = 5 .5P4 = 600
Number of 4-digit numbers = 5. 5P3 = 300
Number of 3-digit numbers = 5 .5P2 = 100
Number of 2-digit numbers = 5 .5P2 = 25
Number of single digit numbers = 5
Therefore, the total number of positive integers = 1630.
For finding the numbers greater than 3000, we take all the 6- and 5-digit numbers together with 4-digit numbers, starting with 3, 4 or 5. The number of 4-digit numbers starting with 3, 4 or 5 is 3 .5P3 = 180.
Therefore, the total number of integers greater than 3000 is
600 + 600 + 180 = 1380.