
Parseval’s relation for a periodic signal relates


Total average power in the signal


Total harmonic distortion


Sum of Fourier coefficients


Average of the Fourier coefficients

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Parseval's Theorem:

For continuous-time, periodic signal, the energy is given by:

1 T T | x ( t ) | 2 d t = k = + | a k | 2

Where ak is the Fourier series coefficient of x(t), and T is the period of the signal.

For average power in one period of the periodic signal x(t), we write:

1 T T | a k e j k ω o t | 2 d t = 1 T T | a k | 2 d t = | a k | 2

| a k | 2  is the average power in the kth harmonic of x(t).

∴ Parseval's relation states that the total average power in a periodic signal equals the sum of the average powers in all of its harmonic components.