
In Reynolds's law of similitude, the discharge ratio Qr is____


Lr3 pr


Lr3 pr/μr




Lr μr/pr

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Reynold’s Model Law:

It is applicable for pipe flows and flows over submarines, airplanes, and fully submerged bodies.

Reynold Number is the ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces.

R e = I n e r t i a   F o r c e V i s c o u s   F o r c e   = ρ v L μ

(Re)model = (Re)prototype

R e = ρ v L μ

Where ρ is the density of the fluid, v is the velocity of the ship and L is the characteristic dimension of geometry over which fluid is flowing, μ is the dynamic viscosity of the water.


According to Reynold’s Model Law:

R e = ρ V l μ V r = μ r ρ r l r

Q = Ar. Vr

= L r 2 . μ r ρ r L r L r μ r ρ r