For the longitudinal vibration, the restoring force or restoring couple is proportional to:
rate of change of acceleration
rate of change of acceleration
Free Vibrations
In case of free-vibration, no external force (or external torque) acts on the body, after giving an initial displacement. The motion is maintained by internal elastic forces. The following three are the important types of free-vibrations :
(i) Longitudinal vibrations,
(ii) Transverse vibrations, and
(iii) Torsional vibrations.
In each of the above case if the limit of proportionality (i.e. stress proportional to strain) is not exceeded, then the restoring force in longitudinal and transverse vibrations or the restoring couple in torsional vibrations which is exerted on the disc by the shaft, is directly proportional to the displacement of the disc from its equilibrium (or mean) position. The force is the product of mass and acceleration. Hence it follows that acceleration towards equilibrium position is directly proportional to the displacement from that position and the vibration is therefore simple harmonic.