Minor losses in the head are caused due to.
loss in pressure
viscous action
sudden enlargement
loss in pressure
viscous action
sudden enlargement
There are generally two types of losses
Minor losses: Whenever there is a change in the cross-section, minor losses occur.
For e.g. sudden expansion, sudden contraction or bend in the pipes.
Major losses: Whenever the losses in the pipes are because of friction they are considered as major losses because there is a significant loss of energy because of friction.
According to Darcy’s Weisbach equation:
Major loss (hl): this is the head loss due to friction.
where f = friction factor, L = length of pipe, V = velocity of flow, D = diameter of the pipe
Minor losses:
where vc = velocity at vena contracta
The value of k depends on the angle of the bend and the radius of the curvature of the bend.