
Which of the following sources of solid waste has the highest chance of causing infections like Hepatitis B and C through skin route if not handled properly?









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Municipal Waste:

  • The solid waste generated from different zones of the city differs in characteristics. Their solid waste comprises refuse, ordinary refuse (including garbage and rubbish), and trash.
  • Refuse refers to nonhazardous solid waste.
  • Garbage comprises items that are highly decomposable (putrescible) food, wastage vegetables, and meat scraps.
  • Rubbish contains mostly dry non-decomposable materials such as glass, rubber, tin cans, or combustible material such as paper, textiles, wooden articles, etc.
  • Hence, community refuse can be referred to as municipal solid waste.

Industrial Waste:

  • Industrial wastes are generated from industrial activities or manufacturing processes.
  • All three types of waste solid liquid and gaseous are generated.
  • Industrial wastes can be categorized as non-hazardous and hazardous

Biomedical Waste:

  • Biomedical waste or Hospital waste containing infectious materials.
  • These wastes are generated during the diagnosis, treatment, and immunization of humans and animals or in research activities.
  • Biomedical wastes can be in both solid and liquid forms.
  • Biomedical waste can cause disease or injury to human health.
  • Biomedical waste is highly hazardous waste.
  • HIV, hepatitis B, and C are the three most commonly spread viruses worldwide due to improper treatment of medical waste.

Electronic Waste:

  • Electronic waste or E-waste is any refuse created by discarded electronic devices and components.
  • E-waste includes almost any household or business items containing all types of electrical electronic equipment and its parts that have been discarded by the owner.
  • E-waste also contains hazardous substances like lead, mercury, soldering compound, etc.