
The shape of the time base signal of a CRO is generally a ______.


Sine Wave


Square Wave


Triangle Wave


Sawtooth Wave

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The signal generated by the time-base circuitry of the CRO is basically a saw-tooth waveform.

Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope (CRO):

CRO is a very fast X-Y plotter that shows the input signal versus another signal or versus time.


The CROs are used to analyze the waveforms, transient, phenomena, and other time-varying quantities from a very low-frequency range to the radio frequencies.

Time Base Generator:

  • It generates an output voltage or current waveform, which varies linearly with time.
  • The signal generated by the time-base circuitry of the CRO is basically a saw-tooth waveform.
  • The horizontal velocity of a time base generator must be constant.
  • The displayed signal should be varied with time.
  • It makes the signal sweep the beam horizontally across the screen.
  • Then the displayed signal varies linearly with time.
  • Hence the voltage is called Sweep Voltage.
  • The Time Base Generators are called Sweep Circuits.


The time base signal in CRO is a Sawtooth signal.


Time Base Generators are used in

  • Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope.
  • Televisions
  • RADAR displays
  • Precise time measurement systems
  • Time modulation, etc.

Important points:

  • In CRO, the time base signal is applied to X-plates in the X-Y mode operation only.
  • In y-t mode operation, the Time-base signal is not connected.