
"Selsyn" is the trade name given to-


Spinning top




Rotating capacitor


Rotating transformer

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Synchros or Selsyn:

  • It is a general name for self-synchronizing machines which, when electrically energized and electrically interconnected, exert torques that cause two mechanically independent shafts either to run in synchronism or to make the rotor of one unit follow the rotor position of the other.
  • They are also known by the trade names of selsyns and auto-sync.
  • Synchros, in fact, are small cylindrical motors varying in diameter from 1.5 cm to 10 cm depending on their power output.
  • They are low-torque devices and are widely used in control systems for transmitting shaft position information or for making two or more shafts run in synchronism.
  • If a large device like a robot arm is to be positioned, synchros will not work. Usually, a servomotor is needed for higher torque.