Voltage regulation is the change in secondary terminal voltage from no load to full load at a specific power factor of load and the change is expressed in percentage.
E2 = no-load secondary voltage
V2 = full load secondary voltage
Voltage regulation for the transformer is given by the ratio of change in secondary terminal voltage from no load to full load to no load secondary voltage.
Voltage regulation
It can also be expressed as,
Regulation = %R cos ϕ ± %X sin ϕ
+ sign is used for lagging loads
- ve sign is used for leading loads
Where %R = ohmic drop
%X = reactance drop
Condition for maximum regulation:
Regulation of transformer is maximum only at lagging pf loads.
%Reg = (%R) cos ϕ2 + (%X) sin ϕ2
For load impedance,
At maximum regulation,
ϕ2 is the load phase angle of transformer
θ is the internal impedance angle of the transformer
Power factor at maximum regulation